Vital Rifle Tested Coverage For Your Loved Ones
Safety Book enhances any active shooter plan in both the "Run" and "Hide" phases and stops rifle rounds that rip through "bulletproof" backpacks.
Why Safety Book Is Important
Every child and teacher should have a Safety Book. While an active shooter event can happen anywhere, our kids have the fewest options. If you can carry a textbook, you can carry Safety Book. Ballistic and injury tested by industry experts. To find out how to use it, what experts and customers are saying, and why you should have Safety Book, watch the videos below.
You need Your Own Safety Book™
Friendly and discrete protection from bullets, including RIFLE rounds as well as shotgun and pistol rounds.
Stops the rifle rounds that "bulletproof" backpacks and soft inserts can't. There is no 1 pound or soft solution that will do it. At just under 4 pounds, it's the lightest you can get...steel would weigh almost 10 pounds.
Safety Book in the Media
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Jason Miller, Founder
I was in the blast protection business for seven years, working with state of the art materials, when the Parkland shooting happened. I wanted to provide some peace of mind by offering a product that is friendly, practical, and effective against rifle rounds. As parents, we worry that we can't protect our kids all the time. When the shooting starts, the people involved will be their own first responders for 2-20 minutes. There are no guarantees in life but I wanted to increase my family's odds of coming out of an active shooter event, even if I'm not there. Why not offer that to others too...?
•By purchasing Safety Book, you attest you are not a felon and that it is legal in your jurisdiction to own Safety Book.
•By purchasing Safety Book, you agree that you understand what Safety Book does, the performance data, and to hold Safety Book and all affiliated personnel harmless from all liability
•If, God forbid, your Safety Book is involved in an incident and is shot, protecting you or your loved one, provide proof - such as a news or police report - and we will replace it for free.
•If you lose it, shoot it yourself, or otherwise damage or destroy it, replacement cost is on you.
•Safety Book is a protective device, not a weapon - if you smack someone with it, that's on you.
•The warranty is on the protective core, the cover is a consumable and replacement costs are on you. When it wears out or you want a different one, we’ll be happy to help!
•Safety Book is tested against all common ballistic threats. We are confident it works. Don’t expect Safety Book to work if it is not directly between the bullet and what you want to protect. It is a practical and effective tool to improve your odds when it is present and used correctly, it is not a magic talisman.
•There is no 100% bulletproof for all types of bullets. Even proven materials can be made to fail under certain conditions. Using Safety Book is risk reduction, not a guarantee in all situations.
•Safety Book is not designed to stop armor piercing rounds. If you don’t know what that is or you feel the need for that, let us know.